Research Dryer for Drying Agricultural Products
Uzbekistan annually produces more than 5 million tons of fruits and vegetables. However, a large number of lost on the field, in the collection, transportation and storage. Sometimes the loss is about 40%. Questions reduce the loss of raw materials and products, saving valuable components of fruits, issue of import-substituting and export-oriented products, as well as improve transport efficiency requires the development of processing industries, particularly the processes and systems for drying. Dried fruit and raisin production is based mainly on natural air-drying sun. Before drying, the product is fumigated blanched and sulfur dioxide in alkali. Applied chemicals environmentally unclean, but still involves blanching and loss of dry matter. Moreover, due to the effects of the environment and direct sunlight with a natural air solar drying of agricultural products. The quality of the final product can be reduced, and therefore requires additional processing factory. Therefore, along with the current trend in the art of improving infrared structures known sources of infrared radiation it is necessary to develop new designs of these sources, particularly the low temperature radiator in the spectrum range using new heat sources body with mixed emitters emitting surface [1]. Scientists in the Tashkent State Technical University have been designed and infrared vacuum unit and drying of agricultural technology. These technology (22 kW) for a short time (15-160 minutes) at low temperatures (40-70°C) dry agricultural products with different densities, structure and size of a maximum preservation of trace elements (90%) [2].
Objects and Methods
The use of solar drying plants, although it became a definite step to address these shortcomings, but all the same dependence on the weather conditions and the lack of productivity hinders their widespread introduction. Developed by scientists and Tashkent state technical university and Tashkent state agrar university dryers’ structures for drying agricultural products are divided into fuel and solar. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the benefits of fuel dryers are high performance and the ability to transfer on an industrial basis. The disadvantages include: energy consumption, low efficiency of solar energy utilization and waste of drying agent and the lack of maintenance of the set temperature by regulating the power of the heat source. The advantages of solar drying plants are such as: saving fuel and energy resources, improving the environmental performance of production. The disadvantages include the following: dependence on weather conditions, longer duration of the drying process, the low efficiency of the generated solar power and waste heat, reducing efficiency in the absence of sunlight (at night and cloudy weather). Known helio dryer, comprising the chamber, drying the cassette loading and unloading hatch, valve device for discharging air and heating unit and translucent skin covering the camera. On the outer side camera mounted at least two helical guides and made in the top of the annular groove chamber in communication with the recirculation loop [3]. The purpose of this development is to reduce the helium dryer energy. However, the operation showed that manufacturing spiral swirlers associated with excessive consumption of steel sheet, it will reveal the unreliability and translucent shell, and she could not stand the heat load ring and came into disrepair. In addition, it is not oriented to the cardinal points due to the fixed structure, and in the best case, the absorbent side of the camera working at 50-60%. Helio is improved dryer design that differs from the previous in that the chamber is suspended on a bearing support for rotation about a vertical axis by performing at the top of the slots flare outwardly with tangential and discharge pipe introduced into the chamber and mounted coaxially. Here, the effect of “Segner” was applied [4]. However, performance testing has shown that although the camera is mounted slidably and increases heat-retaining capacity, but with an increase in plant capacity effect “Segner” does not give the proper rotation of the camera by increasing the tonnage of drying cartridges. In addition, the increase in height helio dryer fraught rollover installation due to possible wind loads and gusts.