Asthma Prevalence and Risk Factors among Medical Students in Taiba University in Almadinah Almonawara, KSA
There are about 300 million individuals suffering from asthma worldwide and numbers are still increasing [1]. In Saudi Arabia AlFrayh et al. study revealed that the prevalence of asthma among school children increased from 8% in 1986 to 23% in 1995, [1] and the latest published paper about asthma prevalence in KSA is done by Mohammed O Al Ghobain in Al Riyadh and showed that the prevalence of asthma among adolescents 16-18 years old was 25.3% [2]. In Almadinah the most recent study was in 2009 showing a prevalence as high as 23.6% among children [3]. There is very few data available about prevalence and risk factors of adulthood asthma in KSA, between 2000 and 2013 out of 20 published papers on asthma prevalence and risk factors in KSA only 6 papers mentioned taking adult age group, besides none of the six papers was conducted in Almadinah. Therefore further studies are required to investigate adulthood asthma, to support health authorities to do more planning and protocols implementation with regard to asthma and allergy management. This study aims to determine the prevalence of asthma among adult medical students in Taiba University and to identify the risk factors and triggering factors of the disease.
Research Methodology
This is a cross sectional study done in Taiba university in Almadinah Almonawwarah, Saudi Arabia, in March- April 2014. Almadinah is located in the West of the KSA, approximately 150 km east of the Red Sea; its altitude is about 600m above the sea level. The area of Almadinah is around 589 km2 , 293 km2 of this area is urban part [4]. It has 1180770 populations according to the latest statistics in 2010 [5]. Taiba University established in 2003, includes 22 collages, in 2013 academic year it had 60055 students [6]. Study population was medical students from first and second year, the sample size was 200 including 100 females and 100 males, all interested students 18 years and above were included. A modified translated International Study of asthma and Allergy in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire for adults was administered to students. The students filled the questionnaire in physiology laboratory under the supervision of researchers, height and weight were measured and respiratory function test was done to all students. The collected data in questionnaire included questions about exercise, energy source for cooking, presence of any chronic diseases and medications used, nearby factories, history of rhinitis, dyspnea, if the student is smoking, the type of smoke, other smokers at home, and use of insecticides, presence of carpet, plants, animals, dust, smoke, chemicals, cockroaches, and bats at home or nearby. For respiratory function test, the students were seated up straight, nasal respiration was prevented using nasal clip, students were instructed to take deep inspiration and blow forcefully till the end of expiration through mouth only and to repeat this 3 times. The purpose of the study was explained to students and participants were assured that privacy of data would be kept, and then a written consent was signed by them.
Analysis of data
We used Microsoft Excel version 2010 to analyze data, via coding and entry of variables. Prevalence of asthma in males and females were calculated, the prevalence of risk factors in all research samples was calculated and the risk factors were analysed computing ORs and P value.