Anatomizing the Human Body in the Training Elementary School: Experience Report of the University
Human anatomy is the science that studies the shape of the human body, being charged with naming and describing its constituent structures at the macro level and Microscopic. The same consists of a theoretical and practical study, where the theory consists of explaining concepts about the functionalities of the body, both in the classroom and in laboratories [1].
The incomprehension of the human body influences not only on everyday issues, but also on the evolution of life. Since the basic sciences’ ends are essential to enable the student to recognize the human body as an integrated system.
According to Cerri et al. [2], the study of anatomy oriented in schools is incomplete, since there are no laboratories in these places. In this perspective the didactic books become the main tool for studying the human body. However, it was found inadequate nomenclature and low-quality images in these books, thus damaging the teaching.
The view of this, the project "anatomizing" the human body and its functioning in the process of training in elementary education seeks to contribute in the elaboration of teaching plans, selection of materials and thematic approach to be used in the classroom. So that the classes are more interactive with exposure of models and anatomical pieces showing the human body and demonstrating systems, organs and functions sharpen the curiosity and creating an information base, which enhances complementary learning from higher to elementary education.
Therefore, anatomizing guides students on the implantation of the anatomical study in the discipline of Applied Sciences in elementary school, in order to instigate the search for knowledge, even if in a succinct manner, to the students and in such a way that they understand more accurately the human body structure and its functionalities from education of fundamental importance. With this, a team of undergraduates was selected to interview students of the eighth year of elementary school in a municipal college located in Floriano Piauí, Brazil, and they verified how their understanding of the anatomy of the human body is known.
Materials and Methods
A sort was made to select the teaching institutions in which the project would be carried out. The sorting of the schools happened in a simple random way, through an operationalized tool in the Excel for Windows program. Each school was assigned a probability between zero (0.0) and one (1.0). Those where they had the highest probability were the ones selected then, authorization was requested to the direction of each school to carry out the proposal, after the appropriate clarifications and performances, they issued a letter of consent in order to accept the partnership.