A Case Report on Metformin and Insulin Induced Hypoglycemia
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a complex chronic illness associated with a state of high blood glucose level or hyperglycemia occurring from deficiencies in insulin secretion action or both. The clinical diagnosis of diabetes is based on either one of the four plasma glucose criteria. (I) elevated fasting plasma glucose (>126 mg/dl) (II) 2h PG during 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (<200 mg/dl), (III) Random plasma glucose (<200 mg/dl) with classic signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia or (IV) Haemoglobin A1C level more than 6.5% [1].
Metformin is a biguanide anti hyperglycemic drug which is the most commonly prescribed oral agent to treat diabetes mellitus [2].
Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas that controls the levels of glucose or sugar in blood. When the body digests carbohydrates, it breaks them down into sugar molecules. Glucose is one of these. Glucose is absorbed directly into the blood stream, but it needs the help of insulin to get into cell and tissues to provide them with fuel [3].
Drug induced hypoglycemia
It is a Æsignificant adverse ĞīĞcÆš that should be included in the ÄšÅīĞƌĞntiĂů diagnosis of hypoglycemia that results from taking a medicine [4]. Causes for drug induced hypoglycemia include alcohol cŽnÆƵmƉtiŽnÍ• ÅĞƫnÅ more Ä‚ctiÇ€ÅÆšy than usual, ÅnƚĞntiŽnĂůůy or ƵnÅnƚĞntiŽnĂůůy overdosing on the medicines used to treat diabetes, missing meals. DÄžtfŽƌmÅn in cŽmbÅnÄ‚tiŽn with sulfonylureas, insulin [5]. Case Report A male ƉĂtiÄžnÆš of 78 years old was Ä‚ÄšmÅƩĞĚ in male surgical ward in King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam with a chief complaint of raw area over right forearm since 30 days. Raw area is preceded by ĨŽƌmÄ‚tiŽn of a papule which enlarged rapidly into the ÄžntiƌĞ forearm associated with pain. He is ÆƵīĞƌÅnÅ from diabetes mellitus and is on Ä‚ntiÄšÅÄ‚bÄžtic mĞĚÅcÄ‚tiŽn Tablet DÄžtfŽƌmÅnн'ůÅbÄžncůĂmÅĚĞ͘ He was prescribed with /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Human mixtard, Tablet DÄžtfŽƌmÅnÍ• /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Piperacillin+tazobactum, Tablet Paracetamol, Tablet B complex, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Tramadol, Tablet Amoxicillin+clavulanate, Tablet Griseofulvin, Tablet Iron, Tablet KŇŽxÄ‚cÅn for 10 days. Surgery was done for cĞůůƵůÅtiÆ of right forearm. ŌĞƌ surgery, he was prescribed with /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Cefperazone+sulbactum, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Metronidazole, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Paracetamol, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Pantoprazole, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Tramadol, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Ondansetron, /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Human mixtard, Tablet Iron+ folic acid, Tablet B complex and /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn Piperacillin+tazobactum for 10 days. On 11th day he was prescribed with /nÅ©ÄžctiŽn͘ Insulin and Tablet DÄžtfŽƌmÅn (Table 1).